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You've been invited to reset your expectations about what it means to live in the fullness of your humanity. To find grace. To find purpose. To find clarity and connection - with yourself, with the divine, with others, with nature. Like a child exploring the world around them, we invite you to leave your assumptions about Jesus's teaching for a moment and open your mind to (re)discover the true message. 

Be Fully Human

The call of the Christ is the call to (re)union with the divine. It has been said that Jesus is "the way." Early Christians were known as "followers of the Way." To follow the true gospel message is to walk humbly into the mystery of God. It is a journey of discovery, experience, and existential change as we engage with the consciousness of the Source of all Life - the Divine Energy of Existence. The true gospel is an invitation to live a fully human life.

Business books

Insights to help you on your way.

Woman Meditating Outdoors

Quiet the mind. Find peace.

Go beyond the self.

In the forest

Be Change

(Coming Soon!)

Our Philosophy

We believe that the time is

ripe for renewal. That we

need to come to a fresh

and truthful 

understanding of self and 

of God. We believe in love,

wisdom, and the 

divine dignity of all. We 

hope you'll join us by living

in the beauty and  fullness of what it means to be a human life.


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